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Успіхи у вивченні сучасних CAD-систем студентами кафедри відмічені компанією розробником SOLIDWORKS

Khmelnytskyi National University Ukraine Certifies 26 Students in SOLIDWORKS

By Marie Planchard 

Khmelnytskyi National University Ukraine Certifies 26 Students in SOLIDWORKS

Under the direction of Viacheslav Kharzhevskyi, Khmelnytskyi National University, Ukraine, DSc, Professor and head of the SOLIDWORKS Center in the Ukraine, over 500 students and educators have received Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) or Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional (CSWP) certifications.

Khmelnytskyi National University (KNU) started using SOLIDWORKS software in 2006.  KNU developed a program of continuous training for their students of engineering specialties using SOLIDWORKS, at the Faculty of Engineering, Transport and Architecture.  Intense education in SOLIDWORKS and training begins from the first year of education, in a number of academic courses.

In 2010, KNU established the SOLIDWORKS Certification Center Ukraine providing CSWA/CSWP certification for their students and educators.  KNU holds the record for the largest number of certified users in Ukrainian Universities and academic courses that use SOLIDWORKS.

Last month, KNU carried out not only CSWA certification but also an award ceremony for their students and documented the story.

I am fortunate to know Vladimir for many years.   I first interviewed him in 2012 for a blog post on his certification center and program.

As students and educators, you have to endure many hard roads to get to school, attend classes and receive a passing grade.  But no story has touched me so much as what Vladimir’s students have had to live through this year.  We congratulate all students at KNU for continuing with their studies and SOLIDWORKS.

#Surname, nameSpecialty
1Berynda TetianaApplied Mechanics
2Bets BohdanApplied Mechanics
3Bilyk NazarIndustrial Engineering («Robotic and mechatronic systems of the industry»)
4Honcharuk YuriiElectric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics
5Danylchuk VsevolodElectric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics
6Yerii AndriiElectric power engineering, electrical engineering  and electromechanics
7Zvarychuk OleksandrIndustrial Engineering («Machines and devices of food production»)
8Kyryliuk OleksandrIndustrial Engineering («Robotic and mechatronic systems of the industry»)
9Konoval DmytroAgricultural Engineering
10Korolchuk MyroslavElectric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics
11Kuntsov OleksandrElectric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics
12Luchko SerhiiElectric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics
13Melnyk MykhailoApplied Mechanics
14Mostovyi VadymIndustrial Engineering («Robotic and mechatronic systems of the industry»)
15Nahirna OlesiaAgricultural Engineering
16Oleksiiko VadymIndustrial Engineering («Robotic and mechatronic systems of the industry»)
17Olishevskyi AndriiElectric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics
18Pasichnyk AndriiAgricultural Engineering
19Pinkovskyi DmytroIndustrial Engineering («Robotic and mechatronic systems of the industry»)
20Ryzhyi VladyslavAutomobile Transport
21Rudavskyi IvanApplied Mechanics
22Sviatushenko MykhailoElectric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics
23Storozhuk AnastasiiaAgricultural Engineering
24Fedorchuk VolodymyrElectric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics
25Kharchuk VolodymyrElectric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics
26Shevchuk YaroslavApplied Mechanics